~ The Time Prophets Chart ~


Proclaiming Prophet at Beginning.   (Time)    Gathering Prophet at End.    Gathered-Out Remnant     Present-Truth Message

(Name corresponds to ministry)                        (Name corresponds to ministry)                                       Means Life or Death?



Enoch / Methuselah                            120 yrs               Noah                                Noah’s family           YES, Come on the Ark or

“Teacher”/”When he dies It Shall Come”                   “Comfort”                          & others                                   die in the Flood.



Abram / Abraham                               400 yrs              Moses                                Children of Israel      YES, Come out of Egypt

“Father is Exalted”/          Egyptian Bondage             “Saved out of the Water”                                      (literally and spiritually)

“Father of a Multitude”                                                Nile, Red Sea, Jordan-(planned)                          or die in the Wilderness.



Jeremiah                                                70 yrs             Daniel                               Jews that came out     YES, Come out of Babylon

“Yahweh Establishes”                                                “God is my Judge”                 of Babylon                                   or die there,

or “Yahweh Hurls Forth”                                       (Judgment is theme of his book)                             separated from Israel & God.



Daniel                                                 490 yrs             Haggai,         Zechariah,          Zerubbabel    YES, Put away heathen wives.

Rebuild Temple &  Restore Feasts            “Festive”   “Yah Remembers”   “From Babylon”        Keep the Sabbath, or be

Rebuild Walls of Jerusalem                         Ezra              Nehemiah          (Governor of Judah)          separated from

“Helper”    “Consolation of Yah”                                            Israel & God.


Daniel                                                 483 yrs            John the Baptist                             Disciples         YES, Come into

to the Messiah         (Heb. Yohanan) = “Yah is Exalted”                                  Repentance of sins

or be separated from God.


Daniel                                   1st half of 7 yrs             John “The Revelator”                    Disciples          YES,   Accept the Cross,

to the Cross in 31 AD              Revealing Christ                                                    or be separated from God.

Jesus = “Yah is Salvation”              Having seen, heard, touched Him

Messiah = “The Anointed”


Daniel                Stoning of Stephen in 34AD                  Saul              Paul & Apostles     Jews & Gentiles    YES, Come out of

End of 490 yrs        (Heb) “Asked (for)”    (Latin) “Small”                           Judaism to Christianity,

& End of 7 yrs               or “Chosen”                   or “Least”                       or be separated from God.


Daniel      End of 2300 yrs on Oct. 22, 1844              Ellen    Gould    White       Seventh-day Adventists    YES, Come out of

Beginning of pre-Advent Judgment             “Light” “Gold” “White”                                                 spiritual Babylon,

Antitypical Day of Atonement                                                                                                    to the SDA Church

Cleansing of Heavenly Sanctuary                                                                                          or be separated from God.


EGW’s Maiden name, Harmon = “Soldier of Peace” to the pre-1844 “Philadelphian” Church.

EGW’s Married name, White = “White Raiment”     to the post-1844 “Laodicean” Church.



“Connecting Link” prophets change the FOCUS OF WORSHIP:


From the Garden of Eden (flaming sword)__Noah__________to Altars (flaming)

From Altars___Moses__________to the wilderness Sanctuary & Temple (Shekinah flame)

From the Temple___John the Baptist__to Christ in the Holy Place of the Heavenly Temple (H.S. fire)

From Christ in the Holy Place___EGW___________to Christ in the Most Holy Place during the anti-typical

Day of Atonement.


The close of the Day of Atonement marks the close of human probation on earth when Jesus casts down His (Flaming) Censer of mediation for sin.