The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection
1:1-4, 8 Jesus is exalted above the angels – as God.
2:9, 14-18 Jesus’ condescension, down to man’s level, to become man’s High Priest.
3:1-2, 19 Jesus is faithful above Moses, but the Jews were unfaithful.
4:1, 11, 14-16 Let us be faithful too, unto the “rest”, with Jesus’ help.
5:5-6, 9-10 Jesus is like Melchizedek. Chosen & prepared by God, v.8.
6:17-20 Like Melchizedek, Jesus guarantees our hope for the Promise to inherit the kingdom.
7: Jesus is like Melchizedek by God’s oath (20-21, 28), & His own endless life (15-17, 24-25).
8: Like Melchizedek, Jesus mediates in Heaven (v.1-2), the New Covenant (v.6, 10), to perfect us so that we can inherit the kingdom (v.11-12).
9: 14-15, 20 The result of Jesus’ mediation in the Heavenly Sanctuary = eternal salvation for us.
10: Jesus’ perfect obedience (7-9), & New Covenant mediation (19-20), perfects us (v.14), to perfect obedience also, that we may receive the Promise (v.36).
11: Heroes of faith (obedience), which received not the Promise (v.39).
12: Exhortation to imitate the obedience of those in Ch. 11, and (v.28) receive the kingdom.
13:20-21 Practical applications of obedience.